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Showing posts from March, 2012

Java - Getting the memory size of an object.

Because the way Java language and the way JVMs are implemented, this apparently trivial task is more complex than it may seem specially when compared to C++ where all objects have a size() method. Java memory architecture is built to abstract the developer from direct manipulation of memory so that the developer can focus on more relevant tasks, this comes with a price. There are 3 basic approaches you can take in order to do this all with their pros and cons: Memory guess (Heap Size prior object creation - Heap Size after object creation = Object Size) Java Instrumenting Query Serialization Memory Guess This is the simplest approach because of the fact that you have a pretty easy access to the Heap Size via: Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(); The issue with this approach is that you cannot control what is being thrown into the heap at a given time, JVM is shared by a lot of processes that run in a given machine so this is a error prone approach that is not recommend...

Crítica a "10 Ideas Erróneas sobre PHP"

Hace algún tiempo me encontré con un post que hablaba sobre las 10 ideas erroneas sobre PHP . Me pareció interesante la idea de hacer un arquetípico post de 10 puntos defendiendo un lenguaje de programación, situacion que por si misma me parece un tanto chusca. Antes de empezar quisiera aclarar algo. He sido desarrollador de PHP por más de 6 años (de hecho siempre me he considerado un PHPer en recuperación). Dada esa experiencia puedo decir sin temor a equivocarme que PHP es una excelente herramienta para el 95% de los proyectos Web (pequeños), es accesible y tiene una comunidad bastante extensa y heterogénea (esto puede ser un problema en ocasiones). También desarrollo en Java desde hace 7 años y he hecho algunos proyectos en C Sharp con .NET, Flex y actualmente me encuentro en un desarrollo que utiliza Grails (Groovy on Rails) y Griffon por lo que he tenido algo de experiencia con tecnologías muy distintas y filosofías casi opuestas. Puedo decir con mucha seguridad que PHP...

Another nail in the Flash's coffin - The rise of HTML5 Games

You'd probably already heard about Game Closure , but if you haven't this is what you been missing... Game Closure is an independent student start-up company that developed a pretty interesting and amazingly robust Javascript/HTML5 game SDK. The SDK can be used to create games not only for web browsers (Facebook games) but they can be deployed also to iOS and Android devices . The SDK offers client/server real-time communication so this opens the possibility of massive multiplayer capabilities. They have been recently in the spotlight turmoil since they presented Pop Star Defense , the first game to run in all mentioned platforms which they presented on Google I/O last summer. The interesting thing here is that this endeavor usually required up to 6 months to accomplish by traditional means to any Game Developer company regardless of their size, but it only took 5 weeks to the guys on Game Closure so everyone is looking at them with dollar signs on their eyes sinc...